10 Tips for Your Environmentalist Journey

Start Small

So you want to be an environmentalist! Welcome to the party.

There’s no shortage of ways to begin, but the most important thing is that you do. Whether you’re new to the movement, are ready to take on a bigger commitment, or are a full-fledged tree hugger, check out our 10 tips to incorporate into your journey to help the Earth.

For Beginners

Hello I'm New Here
Carra Sykes for the Goodnewspaper

Turn off the tap when you’re brushing your teeth:

It’s a small action you can take that can save gallons and gallons of water over time. Reducing water diverts less water from waterways, reduces wastewater treatment, and cuts back on energy used to heat your water.

P.S. The same goes for when you're singing your ABCs while washing your hands.

Swap out paper towels for cleaning rags:

Use old rags or T-shirts to clean your home. You can throw them in with your next load of laundry and reuse them again and again. You’ll save so much paper.

Reduce your purchases:

In general, think before you buy. Consider the impact of the product on the environment: production, shipping, packaging, and more. Every time you choose not to buy something, you're helping the Earth. And you'll feel better knowing you only own what you need.

For The Experienced

Sand Timer
Carra Sykes for the Goodnewspaper

Buy secondhand:

Books, clothes, furniture, you name it. You can save money and support the environment by buying used. Try ThriftBooks, OfferUp, eBay, Poshmark, or just swapping
with friends.

Compost food scraps:

Composting reduces waste that would otherwise go to a landfill and can provide a nutrient boost for your garden.

Make your own cleaning products:

Many products contain harsh chemicals, so try making your own — bonus points if the bottles are reusable. Plus, it's a surprisingly fun experience.

Ditch disposables:

Use reusable water bottles, razors, food storage, batteries, coffee cups, shopping bags, coffee filters, utensils, and other eco-friendly products. Commit to using what you already have, and then buy reusables over time.

For The Pro

Trophy that says The Pro
Carra Sykes for the Goodnewspaper

Minimize driving and flying whenever possible:

In your community, commit to walking, riding a bike, or using public transportation. When traveling, plan more vacations that are driving-distance instead of flying. When you have to fly, choosing direct flights reduces C02.

Switch your home to solar energy:

It can take an investment upfront (though prices have come down a lot), but solar energy will likely save you money over the long-term, and it’s so much better for the Earth than other energy sources.

Go zero waste:

Ever seen stories about people who can fit their entire year’s waste into a jar? That gesture may be a bit bold, but it's a visual reminder that intentionality can significantly reduce the amount of waste we produce. If everyone lived this way, we’d have dramatically less waste in the world. Start reducing waste one choice at a time.

Article Details

January 31, 2021 4:00 PM
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