Ultimate List of Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit volunteers wearing yellow vests

If you’re seeking out a list of nonprofit organizations — we’ve got you covered.

At Good Good Good, we share positive news and resources about people making a difference in the world. We’ve interviewed hundreds of activists and nonprofit leaders — and reported on thousands of organizations filling the world with more good. As a humanitarian photographer, I’ve personally spent thousands of hours documenting and covering nonprofits on six continents.

And so, the Good Good Good team and I were excited to get to highlight inspiring and world-changing organizations in this article.

While no list can be completely comprehensive, our team has worked to ensure this list is incredibly thorough — curated based on impact.

This article is broken down into the following sections: Animals | Arts | Civics | Conservation | Justice | Disability | Disaster | Education | Environment | Food | Gun Safety | Health | Housing | Human Rights | Human Trafficking | International Aid | Journalism | LGBTQ+ | Mental Health | Nonprofit Support | Poverty | Race | Refugees | Sports | Tech | Veterans | Women | Youth

Some organizations appear twice, when they make a significant impact in more than one category. And when relevant, we’ve included links to inspiring stories about the organization.

Your Guide To Great Nonprofit Organizations To Support

Animal Welfare

These organizations work to protect animals from harm, advocating for their rights and promoting humane treatment across society.

15/10 Foundation

Read a good news article about how the popular WeRateDogs account makes a difference for dogs in need

Alley Cat Allies

Animal Legal Defense Fund


Best Friends Animal Society

The Humane Society of the United States

Lil BUB’s Big Fund

Read a good news article about Lil BUB and other pet influencers that give back

Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary

Praline’s Backyard Foundation

Read a good news article about this organization — and other organizations — that help dogs when their owners are in need

Project Street Vet

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about animals

Arts and Culture

These groups promote and preserve arts and culture. They foster creativity and cultural appreciation in communities across the world.

Black Artists & Designers Guild

Creative Commons

Fandom Forward

Foundation to Decrease World Suck

Read all of Good Good Good’s coverage on FTDWS founders Hank and John Green




PEN America




Read Good Good Good’s coverage from this year’s TED conference

Women Make Movies

Women of Color Unite

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about art and creativity

Civic Engagement

These organizations strive to foster active citizenship and community involvement. They aim to strengthen democracy, promote civil discourse, and facilitate public participation in community decision-making.


Bend the Arc

Brennan Center 

Equal Vote Coalition



The Obama Foundation

Rock the Vote

She Should Run

We the Veterans

When We All Vote

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about politics & democracy

Conservation & Wildlife

Focused on the environment and its diverse species, these organizations work towards preserving wildlife and their habitats.

Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund

Read a good news article about mountain gorilla populations rebounding 

The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee

Greenpeace International


Jane Goodall Institute

Read and share the best quotes from Jane Goodall

Keep America Beautiful

National Audubon Society

National Park Foundation

Ocean Conservancy


Read a good news article about how synthetic furs are saving African leopards 

Sierra Club

The World Wide Fund for Nature

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about the environment

Criminal Justice Reform

These organizations are at the forefront of advocating for fair and effective criminal justice policies. They fight against systemic injustices, championing for legal reforms, rehabilitation programs, and an end to mass incarceration.

Clean Slate Initiative

Read a good news article about how Clean Slate Initiative aims to automatically clear records for 14 million people

Equal Justice Initiative

Read and share the best quotes from Equal Justice Initiative founder Bryan Stevenson


Read a good news article about how FreeWorld founder Jason Wang committed to ending prison recidivism after he left prison 

Innocence Project

Last Prisoner Project

The Marshall Project


The Sentencing Project

USD Center for Restorative Justice

Disability Support & Advocacy

These groups strive to support individuals with disabilities, advocating for equal rights, opportunities, and societal inclusion.

Adaptive Climbing Group

Autistic Self-Advocacy Network

Disability Rights Fund

Disabled Hikers

Harper’s Playground

Listen to our podcast interview with the Harper’s Playground founder about why he was inspired to start the nonprofit

High Fives Foundation

New Disabled South

Wounded Warrior Project

Disaster Relief

These humanitarian groups provide immediate aid and long-term support to communities hit by natural disasters or crises. Their work spans emergency relief, rehabilitation efforts, and building resilience against future disasters.


FealGood Foundation


Mercy Corps

Project HOPE

Team Rubicon


Focused on promoting access to quality education for all, these organizations support students and classrooms from the school down the street to communities on the other side of the globe.



Read a good news article about how this NGO aims to educate 5 million girls by 2030

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Read and share Dolly Parton’s most famous quotes


The Hispanic Scholarship Fund

Malala Fund

Read and share Malala Yousafzai’s most famous quotes

Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation

Room to Read

Teach For America

Teaching for Change

These Numbers Have Faces

Thurgood Marshall College Fund

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about education


These groups work to protect and preserve the environment, championing efforts towards sustainable practices and climate change mitigation. Many of them take an intersectional approach to their advocacy.

Arbor Day Foundation

The Climate Reality Project


Global Fishing Watch

Honor the Earth

Intersectional Environmentalist 

Read about the history of intersectional environmentalism and read our interview with Intersectional Environmentalist founder Leah Thomas



The Ocean Cleanup

Ocean Conservancy

The Outdoorist Oath

Rewiring America

The Solutions Project

Read a good news article about how this organization equips frontline communities fighting for environmental & racial justice

Sunrise Movement

Surfrider Foundation

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about the environment

Food Security

Working to combat hunger, these organizations strive to ensure everyone has equitable access to nutritious and sufficient food.

Action Against Hunger

City Harvest

Feeding America

Heart of Dinner

Read a good news article about how AAPI women are helping feed East Asian elders

Meals on Wheels America

No Kid Hungry

World Central Kitchen

Read and share the best quotes from World Central Kitchen founder Chef José Andrés

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about food

Gun Safety

These groups advocate for responsible gun ownership and policies that aim to reduce gun violence and accidents.

Brady Center

Change the Ref

Read a good news article about The Yellow Bus Project — a recent campaign from Change the Ref

Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund



Read a good news article about this organization that turns guns into garden tools

The Rebels Project

Sandy Hook Promise

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about gun violence prevention


These organizations focus on promoting health, conducting research, funding medical care, and providing healthcare services for a wide array of health-related issues.

American Red Cross

Carter Center

Read Jimmy Carter’s most famous quotes about health and justice

The DIVA Foundation

Dollar For

Indigenous Women Rising

Mercy Ships

The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research

National Network of Abortion Funds

Partners In Health

Read the best quotes about justice and global health from PIH founder Paul Farmer

Planned Parenthood

RIP Medical Debt

Read a good news article about how RIP Medical Debt has wiped out more than $6.7 billion in medical debt

Upstream USA

Read a good news article about how Upstream USA trains primary care doctors to offer contraceptive care to all

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about health

Homelessness & Housing

Working towards secure and affordable housing for all, these organizations offer services for homeless individuals, work for better access to housing, and advocate for policy reform.

Covenant House

Habitat for Humanity

Lotus Campaign

Love Beyond Walls

National Alliance to End Homelessness

National Network for Youth

New Story

Listen to our podcast interview with New Story founder Brett Hagler about using innovation to end global homelessness

Project HOME

Transition Projects

True Colors United

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about housing

Human Rights & Civil Liberties

These groups fight to protect and promote human rights and civil liberties, pushing back against discrimination and injustice through advocacy and the legal system.


The Carter Center

Front Line Defenders

Human Rights Watch

Native American Rights Fund

National Women’s Law Center

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about human rights

Human Trafficking & Exploitation Prevention

These organizations strive to combat human trafficking and exploitation, providing victim support and working towards prevention.

Atlas Free


Read a good news article about how a community is using dresses to fight human trafficking

The Exodus Road

Human Trafficking Institute

International Justice Mission


Polaris Project

Thistle Farms


Read a good news article about how Ashton Kutcher’s tech-led nonprofit is fighting child sex trafficking

Truckers Against Trafficking

International Aid

These organizations provide essential assistance to communities outside of their home country, addressing issues like poverty, health, education, and disaster relief on a global scale.


charity: water

Read a good news article about how these inspiring kids are raising money for charity: water

Fund For the Global Fund

Explore Good Good Good’s curated guide to the best products that give back to the Global Fund — through (RED)

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

International Rescue Committee

Liberty in North Korea

Read a good news article about how this nonprofit is providing hope for North Korean refugees

Project HOPE


World Food Programme

World Vision International

Journalism & Information

These groups support the field of journalism and promote the free flow of information as a cornerstone of a democratic society.

The 19th

American Oversight

Committee to Protect Journalists

Creative Commons


High Country News

Institute for Nonprofit News

The Marshall Project

The News Literacy Project

Our World in Data

Rebuild Local News

Solutions Journalism Network



LGBTQ+ Support

These organizations work to support and advocate for the rights and wellbeing of the LGBTQ+ community.

Audre Lorde Project

Read and share these inspiring quotes from Audre Lorde


For The Gworls



Human Rights Campaign

Marsha P. Johnson Institute

Read and share Marsha P. Johnson’s most famous quotes

National Center for Trans Equality

Point of Pride

Rainbow Railroad

Read about this organization that helps LGBTQ+ refugees seek asylum in safe countries


Trans Lifeline

Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund

The Trevor Project

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about the LGBTQ+ community

Mental Health

These groups focus on supporting mental health, offering support services, creating educational materials, advocating for patients’ rights, and working to remove societal stigmas.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Asian Mental Health Collective

The Confess Project of America

Read this good news article about the barbers helping Black men talk about mental health

Crisis Text Line

Read this article from the Chief Program Officer at Crisis Text Line about how asking hard questions can save a life

The Jed Foundation

The Loveland Foundation

Explore Good Good Good’s guide to mental health apps and resources supporting Black Americans

Made of Millions Foundation

Learn about how to honor OCD Awareness Week — with advice from Made of Millions

Promise Resource Network

Read a good news article about the first peer-run respite center in North Carolina

Mental Health America

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Peace of Mind Foundation

Project LETS

Schizophrenia & Psychosis Action Alliance

Trans Lifeline

The Trevor Project

To Write Love On Her Arms

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about mental health

Nonprofit Support

These organizations provide various forms of support to other nonprofit entities, enhancing their ability to grow and capacity to serve communities more effectively.

Develop for Good

Listen to our podcast interview with the founder of Develop for Good about how they empower people to help nonprofits through tech

Giving Tuesday

Explore Good Good Good’s guide on how to celebrate Giving Tuesday

Fast Forward

Plywood People

Poverty Alleviation

Focused on eliminating poverty, these groups provide direct assistance, create economic opportunities, and work on policy reform — both in the United States and around the world.

American Jewish World Service

The Borgen Project


Compassion International


Global Citizen




Save the Children

World Vision

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about economics

Racial Justice

These organizations strive to fight against racism and work towards achieving racial justice and equality in society.

The Audre Lorde Project

Center for Antiracist Research

Color of Change


Equal Justice Initiative

The King Center

Read and share the best quotes from Coretta Scott King and Bernice King

Know Your Rights Camp


Stop AAPI Hate


Very Asian Foundation

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about racial justice

Refugee & Immigrant Support

These groups offer support and advocacy for refugees and immigrants, assisting with resettlement, legal aid, and integration into new communities.

Catholic Charities

Episcopal Migration Ministries


Immigration Equality

International Rescue Committee

Liberty in North Korea

Read a good news article about how this nonprofit is providing hope for North Korean refugees

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service



Project Citizenship 


Rainbow Railroad

Read a good news article about how this organization that helps LGBTQ+ refugees seek asylum in safe countries

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


World Relief

→ Explore this guide to local refugee organizations you can support in all 50 states

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about refugees

Sports and Recreation

These organizations promote sports and recreation activities for community engagement, personal development, and physical health.


Black Outside

Campfire Institute


→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about sports

Technological Advancement

These groups are dedicated to fostering innovation and technological advancement, offering educational programs and driving research initiatives.

Black Sisters in STEM

Girls in Tech

Global Fishing Watch

Project CETI

The SpaceKind Foundation

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about tech & innovation

Veterans’ Services

These organizations provide a range of services for veterans, offering support for their unique needs, from housing and employment to mental health care. Many also empower veterans to give back to communities using their unique skillsets.

Bunker Labs


Listen to our podcast interview with Richard Casper about how he founded CreatiVets to help veterans like him

Force Blue

Read a good news article about how Force Blue empowers combat diving veterans to care for our oceans

Minority Veterans of America

Save A Suit

Read a good news article about how Save A Suit empowers veterans through professional clothing

Team Rubicon

Vet Voice Foundation

The Veterans Art Project

Warrior Dog Foundation

Wounded Warrior Project

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about veterans

→ Read and share this guide on how to celebrate Veterans Day

Women’s Empowerment

These organizations work to empower women, advocating for gender equality, women’s rights, and against gender-based discrimination.

Black Mamas Matter Alliance

The Brigid Alliance

Dress For Success

Listen to our podcast conversation with Nancy Lublin about why she founded Dress For Success

Girls, Inc.

Girls Not Brides

Global Fund for Women

Hot Bread Kitchen

Malala Fund

Read and share the best quotes from Malala Yousafzai

National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center

National Network of Abortion Funds

National Women’s Law Center

Planned Parenthood

She Should Run

→ Read all of Good Good Good’s good news articles about women

Youth Support

These groups are dedicated to supporting youth through various initiatives, such as education, mentorship, health, recreation, and advocating for children’s rights.

Black Outside

Campfire Institute

Days for Girls

Doug the Pug Foundation

Read the good news article about how this pet influencer is giving back to children battling cancer and other life-threatening illnesses

Fred Rogers Productions

Read and share the best quotes from Mister Rogers

Girl Scouts

Girls Who Code

Happy Hippie Foundation

Harper’s Playground

Listen to our podcast with the founder and executive director of Harper’s Playground

Kids Boost

Listen to our podcast conversation about this nonprofit that helps kids grow $100 into thousands for charity 

Make-A-Wish America

National 4-H Council

National FFA Foundation

Ronald McDonald House Charities


Where To Discover & Learn More About 501(c)(3) Organizations

Though we’ve curated and highlighted more than 200 nonprofits in this list, we’ve barely scratched the surface of impactful organizations. Below are some resources for you to discover more nonprofits — and to also verify the effectiveness of each. 

Article Details

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