What Is the Demisexual Pride Flag & What Does It Mean?

A flag waves in the air with a design representing demisexual people. On the lefthand side is a black triangle, followed by three horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: White, purple, and gray.

Most of us don’t need to go too far to find a rainbow Pride flag (start with your emoji keyboard!), but did you know that there are other Pride flags that represent other identities in the LGBTQ+ community, too? 

Flags are a recognizable symbol that projects a message to the world about who you are or what you stand for. 

And just like someone from a different state or country — or sports fan — might want to fly a specific flag to represent their identity, the same goes for people in the LGBTQ+ community! And it certainly doesn’t need to be Pride Month to embrace these banners.

One of these is the Demisexual Pride Flag, which flies as a symbol of community and representation for demisexual folks everywhere. 

Here’s what you need to know about the Demisexual Pride Flag.

→ Explore the full list of all LGBTQ+ Pride flags

By the way, we’ve included some links to be able to buy this flag — and some of the links may include affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. 

About the Demisexual Pride Flag


The Demisexual Pride Flag was designed in 2010 by an anonymous user on the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network online network.

Demisexual individuals only develop sexual attraction after forming a deep emotional connection with another person. This means demisexual folks are considered part of the asexual spectrum, and thus find support through groups like AVEN. 

The flag’s four colors represent the unique experience of demisexual individuals and take inspiration from the Asexual Pride Flag design, implementing white, purple, and gray bars with a black triangle on the left-hand side.


A flag design representing demisexual people. On the lefthand side is a black triangle, followed by three horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: White, purple, and gray

The colors of the Demisexual Pride Flag each represent a different concept: 

  • Black: Represents asexuality, acknowledging the spectrum of asexual identities
  • White: Represents sexuality, symbolizing the spectrum of sexual identities
  • Purple: Represents community, highlighting the importance of connections and support within the LGBTQ+ community, as well as the Asexuality Visibility & Education Network
  • Gray: Represents the unique experiences of demisexual individuals, who only experience sexual attraction after forming a deep emotional connection

What Does ‘Demisexual’ Mean?

Someone who is demisexual only feels sexual attraction to someone after they’ve formed a strong emotional connection with them. 

People who identify as demisexual are often considered a part of the asexuality spectrum because they don’t often feel sexual attraction. That said, they can feel sexual attraction and have an interest in sex after they’ve formed an emotional bond with someone.

Another similar term is ‘demiromantic,’ which defines people who need to feel an emotional connection with someone before developing romantic feelings for them.

Get a Flag: Flags For Good | Amazon

We’ve provided links to Flags For Good, which donates a portion of each Pride flag sale to LGBTQ+ nonprofits and has a fully carbon neutral production and distribution process. Use our links to save 10% off your entire order.

(We’ve also included links to Amazon for accessibility purposes.)

Plus, learn more about other Pride flags:

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