Though the protests in the streets have diminished and the posters in storefront windows have begun to fade, the fight for racial justice and equality in the United States continues.
In 2020, people around the U.S. asked themselves what they could do to support the Black Lives Matter movement. We educated ourselves, voted, marched through our cities, educated our families, and demanded systemic change. There’s no doubt that there’s still a significant amount of work to be done — on personal levels and on a societal level. The work will never end.
While simple displays of allyship like displaying a yard sign, poster, or flag can’t create change on their own — they have a role to play. They can inspire others, show that your home or business is a safe place, and most importantly, serve as a personal reminder to be actively anti-racist every day.
In the summer of 2020, a slew of artists generously made their racial justice poster designs available for free — and countless people downloaded, printed, and displayed this artwork. Many of them did so through Outlet, a Portland, Oregon-based creative art studio and risograph press known for their zines and workshops.
We’ve collected some of our favorite free Black Lives Matter posters to make it easy for you to find, print, and show off. Please show respect to these artists by only using their art in appropriate contexts — and try to offer credit when you have the opportunity.
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Free Black Lives Matter Posters To Download, Print, and Hang Up —
No Justice No Peace | Stand Up, Speak Truth To Power

Artist: Adam Garcia | Provider: Outlet
Demand Police Reform Now

Artist: Brett Stenson | Provider: Outlet
Not To Be Political Or Anything...

Artist: Adam J. Kurtz | Provider: Outlet
Black Lives Matter

Artist: Quentin Monge | Provider: Outlet
No Justice, No Peace!

Artist: Lily Lin | Provider: Outlet
It Is Always Right To Do Right — MLK

Artist: Jackie Brown | Provider: Outlet
Black Lives Matter

Artist: Josh Kenyon | Provider: Outlet
Black Lives Rule

Artist: Anis Mojgani | Provider: Outlet
End Racism At Home

Artist: Always With Honor | Provider: Outlet
Black Lives Matter | Defund the Police | Fuck Racism

Artist: Always With Honor | Provider: Outlet
Black Trans Lives Matter

Artist: Sarah Martin | Provider: Outlet
Black Lives Matter

Artist: Carrie Pinkstaff | Provider: Outlet
Black Lives Do Matter

Artist: Bagger | Provider: Outlet
“Heroes” Shouldn’t Be Evil

Artist: David DaCosta | Provider: Outlet
Black Lives Matter

Artist: Quentin Monge | Provider: Outlet