Bees are critical pollinators in natural and agricultural landscapes, and key model systems for the study of social behavior. Grozinger's research group examines the mechanisms underlying social behavior and health in honey bees and related species. Her studies on social behavior seek to elucidate the proximate and ultimate mechanisms mediating cooperation and conflict in insect societies. Her studies on pollinator health evaluate the impacts of biotic and abiotic stressors at the molecular, physiological and behavioral level, and examine how bees’ resilience to these stressors can be bolstered by management practices and environmental contexts, particularly by improved nutrition.

To help beekeepers, growers, land managers and members of the public better assess and mitigate the stressors that their managed and wild bee populations experience, Grozinger works with the Beescape team to develop models and decision support tools to evaluate landscape conditions and predict bee health at local scales (see

The Grozinger Lab group is highly collaborative and interdisciplinary, with individuals from multiple programs and perspectives.