A homeless mom gave away $2 to help a parent in need. Then the internet stepped in to help
A Nigerian mother of two was struggling to pursue a college education as she singlehandedly raised her twin infants. Then TikTok creator Zachery Dereniowski shared her story.
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Involuntary sweeps of homeless camps do not increase public safety, study finds
Surprise sweeps of homeless camps are often cited as necessary steps to reduce crime and ultimately protect the very same people they displace. A new study sheds light on those claims.
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Alaskan church saves homeless seniors from freezing, invites them to live in parking lot
As snow banks towered around their parking lot, Central Lutheran Church took in their most vulnerable neighbors.
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Three millennials bought an abandoned high school for $100K and converted it into 31-unit housing
The three friends renovated the crumbling high school building into a unique apartment complex, while keeping the school’s hallways, auditorium, and gym intact.
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