Sounds Good is Good Good Good’s weekly podcast that hosts hopeful conversations with optimists and world-changers about the headlines we can be hopeful about — and how you can make a difference.

Jamie Tworkowski

Jamie Tworkowski — Bringing Your Heart into Everything

About This Episode

Jamie Tworkowski’s life changed in 2006 when he met Renee Yohe and wrote a story called “To Write Love on Her Arms.” He posted the story on MySpace and began selling TWLOHA t-shirts as a way to help pay for Renee’s treatment. Today, TWLOHA has now responded to 200,000 messages from people in 100 countries, in addition to giving two million dollars to mental health treatment and recovery.

Jamie is the founder of To Write Love on Her Arms and the New York Times bestselling author of ‘If You Feel Too Much’. Currently, he’s been putting his time into HEART CAMP — a two-day workshop that invites the attendees to dive into matters of mental health, authenticity, writing, starting something that matters, and bringing their heart to work.

In this conversation, Branden and Jamie get real and personal about the cost of putting everything into your work, moving courageously toward transition and new chapters, and why the greatest thing we can do is to choose to stay until tomorrow.

“What if the things that ended – the things that broke and break your heart — what if it was the end of a chapter but the story keeps going? What if life comes back?”    

— Jamie Tworkowski

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Jamie Tworkowski

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Episode Details

September 17, 2018
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About Sounds Good

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Sounds Good is the weekly podcast that hosts hopeful conversations with optimists and world-changers about the headlines we can be hopeful about — and how you can get involved and make a difference.

Every week, Good Good Good founder Branden Harvey sits down with the people driving positive change against the world’s greatest problems. Each episode will leave you with a sense of hope about the good in the world — and a sense of direction on how we can all be a part of that good. Episodes are released every Monday.

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