The 21st century has given birth to marvels of human ingenuity — smartphones and social media have connected us more than ever before — but this 24/7 modern world feels like it’s messing with our minds and doing unprecedented damage to our mental health.
It’s no surprise then, at least to international bestselling author Matt Haig, who suffers from anxiety, depression, and addiction to his devices, that the rates of stress and anxiety are rising dramatically in the Western world, and that even though we are more connected, many are feeling more alone. In his new hit book, Notes on a Nervous Planet, Matt draws on his personal life story, as well as advice and studies from psychologists, novelists, philosophers, historians, and researchers to try to understand how to find a greater sense of health in the midst of the new world that surrounds us.
In this episode, Branden and Matt dove into Matt’s experiences of battling depression and suicidal ideation and how he came out on the other side in a healthier place. They also discussed the practical action steps we can take to continue to live our modern lives, while not letting it completely fill us with anxiety.
This week’s episode is supported by Lasting.