Sounds Good is Good Good Good’s weekly podcast that hosts hopeful conversations with optimists and world-changers about the headlines we can be hopeful about — and how you can make a difference.

Sounds Good is Back!

About This Episode

The podcast that leaves you feeling more hopeful is coming back!

Sounds Good hosts hopeful conversations with optimists and world-changers about the headlines we can be hopeful about — and how you can get involved and make a difference. Every week, Good Good Good founder Branden Harvey sits down with the people driving positive change against the world's greatest problems. Each episode will leave you with a sense of hope about the good in the world — and a sense of direction on how we can all be a part of that good. Episodes are released every Monday.

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Episode Details

November 30, 2020
Gifts That Do Good Guide 2020

Gifts That Do Good Guide

It’s the most wonderful time of year! And with it comes the season of giving. If you are looking for the perfect gift for the perfect someone, we suggest shopping some of our hand-curated and giftable picks so you can give well and do good.
Smiley Face

13 Good News Stories to Leave You Feeling Good This Week

Good news stories from around the world — from ending student lunch debt in Seattle, to a neo-Nazi removing his swastika tattoos. There's so much good to celebrate.

About Sounds Good

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Sounds Good is the weekly podcast that hosts hopeful conversations with optimists and world-changers about the headlines we can be hopeful about — and how you can get involved and make a difference.

Every week, Good Good Good founder Branden Harvey sits down with the people driving positive change against the world’s greatest problems. Each episode will leave you with a sense of hope about the good in the world — and a sense of direction on how we can all be a part of that good. Episodes are released every Monday.

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