Sounds Good is Good Good Good’s weekly podcast that hosts hopeful conversations with optimists and world-changers about the headlines we can be hopeful about — and how you can make a difference.

Stephen Kenn — Objects as a Gateway to Connection

About This Episode

Stephen Kenn operates a Los Angeles based design studio focused on furniture and leather goods. Driven by curiosity, Stephen takes a thoughtful and optimistic approach to his work, believing there is always a way to make things simpler. He begins all design projects by seeking out materials that will last a lifetime and experimenting with new processes. In this conversation, Branden and Stephen discuss the idea of seeing objects as an opportunity for story.

Stephen Kenn : Inheritance Collection from Process Creative on Vimeo.

“Objects can open up a gateway to understand life in a different way. They are a part of our landscape.”

— Stephen Kenn

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Stephen Kenn Objects as a Gateway to Connection Podcast Interview








Episode Details

May 29, 2017

About Sounds Good

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Sounds Good is the weekly podcast that hosts hopeful conversations with optimists and world-changers about the headlines we can be hopeful about — and how you can get involved and make a difference.

Every week, Good Good Good founder Branden Harvey sits down with the people driving positive change against the world’s greatest problems. Each episode will leave you with a sense of hope about the good in the world — and a sense of direction on how we can all be a part of that good. Episodes are released every Monday.

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