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Swing state voters could get free concert tickets just by checking their registration

On a white table lay a number of red, white, and blue "I Voted" stickers
A number of indie favorites are teaming up with Propeller to give away free tickets to fans who register to vote.
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Illustration of library shelves full of brown and blue books

14 Ideas for Celebrating Banned Books Week

When it feels like our reality has crumbled into a dystopian nightmare, what do we do? We use the power of books, form our own team of heroes, and fight against censorship and for stories that matter!
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Eighteen yellow thumbs-up emojis are arranged in a grid against a blue background, with one red thumbs-down emoji standing out in the center of the image.

TikTok loves 'dopamine menus'. What are they — and what are some ideas you can add to yours?

One social media influencer went viral recently for sharing a different kind of menu — a “dopamine menu” or dopamenu.
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Blurry Gradient For Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month: History, cultural significance, and how to celebrate

Hispanic Heritage Month (or Latino Heritage Month) is a month-long celebration that kicks off on September 15th. We’ve put together great ideas to help you celebrate it...
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Mister Rogers once said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”

Good Good Good brings you stories and tools to help you feel less overwhelmed and more capable of being a helper in the world. Together we celebrate good news — and become good news.
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Good News on Climate Change

A young man with brown hair and a brown mustache stands in a lush, green forest, holding up a handheld pinecone-shaped device called Pyri

Students win Dyson award for wildfire-detecting 'pinecone' device

The groundbreaking device was designed by four students at the Royal College of Art and Imperial College London.
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Solar power in US schools has quadrupled in the last decade, new report finds

Tax incentives and federal investments have made solar power much more accessible for schools.
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Scientists bring Arizona river, biodiversity back from the brink — by adding sewage water

Strategically adding effluent to the waterway has reintroduced an estimated 200 species to the local ecosystem, new research finds.
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Roundups of the best good news from the past week

Good News This Week

The GoodNewspaper: The monthly newspaper filled with good news

'Best Of' the Goodnewspaper

The World Has More Trees Than It Did 35 Years Ago

This might come as a surprise: Worldwide tree cover has grown — not shrunk! — by 2.24 million square kilometers — the size of Texas and Alaska combined — in the last 35 years, according to a paper in the science journal “Nature.”
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8 Famous Animal Conservationists You Might Not Know Yet

There are dozens and dozens of people you should know about who are protecting wild species and their habitats, and our hope is that today you’ll learn about someone new who inspires you to find your own way of helping animals in your corner of the world.
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Recently Updated Articles

Swing state voters could get free concert tickets just by checking their registration

A number of indie favorites are teaming up with Propeller to give away free tickets to fans who register to vote.
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14 Ideas for Celebrating Banned Books Week

When it feels like our reality has crumbled into a dystopian nightmare, what do we do? We use the power of books, form our own team of heroes, and fight against censorship and for stories that matter!
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'Abbott Elementary' brings mobile STEM lab to students across the country

Ahead of the newest season of “Abbott Elementary,” students across the country are getting a chance to dive head-first into STEM.
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USPS unveils Hanukkah stamp, honoring struggle for religious liberty & human rights

This year’s stamp was dedicated at a ceremony at the Lillian and Albert Small Capital Jewish Museum.
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How trauma-sensitive climate change education builds 'truthful hope'

For educators, Summer is an opportunity to reflect and regroup, often including planning for supporting students in the next school year. It is becoming increasingly important that this support involves helping students navigate the impacts of the climate crisis.
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100 Days of Good News: All of the good news we've shared so far

We launched the '100 Days of Good News' project as a bit of a palate cleanser to give our brains a break from the heaviness of bad news.
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Take Action

At Good Good Good we don’t merely want to feel good, we want to do good. Here are a few ways you can make a difference this week: