12 Best Good News Websites To Leave You More Hopeful

Good News Websites

In a world that seems to be full of doom and gloom, it can be tough to find good news. But luckily, there are plenty of websites out there that focus on positive news stories.

In an interview with Good Good Good, neuropsychologist and New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Rick Hanson said that our brains are evolutionarily hardwired with an internal negativity bias.

“Bad news sticks to the brain like velcro,” he said. “And good news slides right off the brain like Teflon.”

Our brains are not naturally seeking good; they’re seeking a means to survive.

This is why it’s important that we are intentional about consuming good news. We must slow down, intentionally seek it out, and — most important of all — share it with others to help them find an outlet for hope, as well.

Every day our team looks for the most hopeful news stories from around the world — and we’ve quickly become experts in sourcing positive news. Here’s our collection of the best positive news sources and sites to leave you happy, hopeful, and ready to make a difference:

Here are the 12 best positive news sources:

1. Good Good Good

Good Good Good: Real good news, not just feel good news. The Best Good News Stories From 2021

Good Good Good’s mission is to help you feel more hopeful and do more good. In a world full of heartbreak, pain, and injustice, Good Good Good shares stories of the people, ideas, and movements shaping the world for the better.

Inspired by Mister Rogers, Good Good Good helps you “look for the helpers.” We have a few key places where we help readers like you:

Good News Website

Every day, Good Good Good shares new articles that help you find the good in the world — or join in and become the good in the world.

Good Good Good’s goal with sharing positive news of heroes making a difference is that it would inspire readers to ask how they can become heroes and make a difference in their own unique ways.

Good Good Good also shares articles about practical ways you can make a difference to the world’s problems — big or small. Everyone has the power to make the world a better place.

Monthly Print Goodnewspaper

Print Goodnewspaper with the words Never Stop Celebrating Good News
The Goodnewspaper, the monthly print newspaper filled with positive news

Sometimes it’s nice to take a break from screens, so Good Good Good created a monthly print newspaper filled with good news.

Every month, subscribers get a fresh new Goodnewspaper delivered straight to their front door.

Each issue is filled not only with positive news stories and ways to make a difference — but it also comes with a free centerfold poster with an inspiring quote — and is filled with beautiful illustrations.

By subscribing to the Goodnewspaper, you help make Good Good Good’s work filling the world with more good possible. (You can also give the Goodnewspaper as a gift!)

Good News Emails

Have you ever wanted an email that does actually find you well? Every day, Good Good Good sends out the day’s best good news stories in a beautiful email — with the hopes of being the best email in your inbox.

Good News on Instagram and TikTok

And last but not least, Good Good Good Instagram account has garnered the attention of The New York Times, Miley Cyrus, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Katie Couric, and more.

Plus, you can find good news on TikTok, Twitter, Threads, and Facebook — so you can ensure all your news feeds turn into good news feeds.

2. Solutions Journalism Network

What is Solutions Journalism? Rigorous and compelling reporting about responses to social problems, which includes these key elements...

The Solutions Journalism Network is a nonprofit organization that aims to encourage more solutions-based journalism. They work hard to train journalists and increase public understanding of “solutions” when it comes to reporting on social issues. Their website has a lot of great stories from journalists trained in solutions journalism — plus resources on how you can follow their lead.

They also partnered with Google to help spread these stories even further. If you tell your Google Home or Google Assistant, “Tell me something good,” Google will share a summary of a positive news story with you, hand-curated by the team at the Solutions Journalism Network.

3. Good News Network

Good News Network - Positive News Website

You can't write a list of good news websites without mentioning Good News Network. This iconic site is a one-stop shop for happy news only — featuring feel good news from the USA and around the world.

4. Positive News

Positive News Website Screenshot

Based in the UK, Positive News is an online and print magazine dedicated to high-quality journalism around positive news. They describe their work as “constructive journalism” — and uniquely,  they’re a co-op fully owned by their readers and journalists.

5. A Plus

A Plus Video: Branden Harvey believes that delivering good news to people is a jus cause (holding up a Good News Newspaper)

If you're looking for uplifting stories in video form, A Plus is amazing. Co-founded by Ashton Kutcher, this website is dedicated to “sharing uplifting and inspiring stories that impact people's day-to-day lives.” They have a huge library of videos, as well as articles on a variety of topics.

You can even check out this story they did about Good Good Good last year.

6. Reasons To Be Cheerful

Reasons to be Cheerful: Screenshot of Good News Website

Founded by David Byrne of The Talking Heads, Reasons to be Cheerful shares evidence-based stories with the goal of leaving readers curious about how each of us can contribute to making the world a better place.

We absolutely love their work, and they’ve even been gracious enough to allow us to republish a few of their brilliant journalism here on our website:

7. Yes! Media

Yes! Media Website Screenshot: Justice at the heart of climate activism, The collaborations that create change, Lending on character, not credit scores

Yes! Media is a non-profit media company that focuses on positive solutions to social and environmental problems. They’re most known for their quarterly magazine, Yes! Magazine, but you can also read most of their archives online for free.

8. Good Black News

Good Black News: The good things Black people do, give, and receive all over the world: HBCU Talladega college receives anonymous $2.5 million donation to support student scholarships

Good Black News is a website dedicated to spreading positive news about “the good things Black people do, give, and receive all over the world.” Founder Lori Takin Hutcherson leads a team of volunteers with the commitment to sharing stories that are often overlooked by mainstream media outlets, in an effort to combat negative stereotypes and uplift their readers.

9. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Goodness Section

Goodness: Celebrating all that's good - Random Acts of Kindness: Nurse's kind gesture won't soon be forgotten

From the home city of Mister Rogers, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is no stranger to celebrating good. Their "Goodness" section features positive stories and uplifting news from around Pittsburgh, as well as some national and international pieces thrown in too.

A number of other traditional newspapers have also added good news sections in recent years — a trend we hope to see continue to grow. 

10. The Happy Broadcast

Latest Broadcasts - Square illustrations of happy news from The Happy Broadcast

From our talented artist friend Mauro Gatti, The Happy Broadcast shares beautiful illustrations covering various positive news stories. It's a great way to brighten up your day with some good vibes and beautiful art!

11. r/UpliftingNews

Reddit: Uplifting News - Website screenshot of several good news stories

Every day, thousands of Reddit users share the best uplifting news stories from around the world on the biggest uplifting news subreddit on the platform. It’s a great place to explore hopeful articles — and also strike up conversations with other positive news lovers. While r/UpliftingNews is our favorite wholesome subreddit, we've also curated a list of the best subreddits about uplifting and wholesome news and our favorite wholesome memes.

If you’re interested in more opportunities to use social media for good, you can also find the best subreddits about combating climate change and protecting the environment as well.

12. Jane Goodall's Good For All News

Jane Goodall's Good For All News

As you can imagine, Jane Goodall's Good For All News is a website that shiningly covers good news about animals and conservation. The Jane Goodall Institute shares articles on topics like primates, science and technology, hope, and the power of youth making a difference. To be honest, we're absolutely honored to have our site be “competing” with our hero Jane Goodall.

(We also highly recommend her podcast, The Jane Goodall Hopecast)

Related: Good News Sources: Most Frequently Asked Questions

Related: The Best Good News Apps to Download

Related: How To Thoughtfully Consume the News

Related: How To Navigate Tragedies in the News

Related: The Best Good News Podcasts

Fill every day with only uplifting news

There’s a lot of bad news in the world, but we’re always encouraged by the words of Mister Rogers:

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."
— Fred Rogers

The key phrase here is “You will always find people who are helping.”

It’s important that we pay attention to what’s happening in the world — even when it’s bad news — but we should always heed these words and know that there will always be helpers.

At Good Good Good, we’re committed to helping you find those helpers — so you can feel encouraged by the good within the bad — and maybe even motivated to join in and become a helper yourself.

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