33 Wholesome Memes To Absolutely Make Your Day

Several of the best wholesome memes

Wholesome memes are a type of internet meme that are designed to make people feel good. Unlike traditional memes, which often rely on sarcasm, irony, and dark humor to make a point, wholesome memes are positive, heartwarming, and often feature uplifting messages or images.

They are often used to spread positivity and good vibes online, and are a welcome break from the sometimes cynical or dark tone of many traditional memes. Wholesome memes often feature cute animals, inspiring quotes, or happy moments, and are designed to make people feel happy and warm inside.

We've compiled our favorite wholesome memes from one of our favorite accounts on the internet: @WholesomeMeme on Twitter

This iconic Twitter account is known for curating and creating the most wholesome memes on the world wide web — and also sells shirts to raise money for nonprofits.

We've highlighted the best of the best for you to enjoy:

Check out these incredibly wholesome memes:

It is self love o'clock

Wholesome Memes: It is self love o'clock

Me bonding with the one internet friend that i never met but they totally understand me

Wholesome Meme: Me bonding with the one internet friend that i never met but they totally understand me

BFF Goals: Women move into the same retirement home after being friends for 80 years

Wholesome Meme: BFF Goals: Women move into the same retirement home after being friends for 80 years

When someone remembers a small detail about you

Wholesome Memes: When someone remembers a small detail about you

I hope all my friends know they're 10s

Wholesome Meme: I hope all my friends know they're 10s

When you're anxious but trying to act cool

Wholesome Meme: When you're anxious but trying to act cool

This dad sends memories to his son as a gift

When my son was born, i created an email address for him. Every achievement and photo taken is sent to that email. When he is old enough, he will get the password and will have all those memories. Sharing this idea for those who may like it to do as well.

7 year old me waiting for my dad to finish his call from work to tell him that I love him

Wholesome Meme: 7 year old me waiting for my dad to finish his call from work to tell him that I love him

Stop cringing at yourself and your passions

Wholesome Meme: Stop cringing at yourself and your passions. You are allowed to love things without apology

My mom always wanted to be an astronaut

My mom always wanted to be an astronaut ... so my dad drove us to NASA for a launch and she bawled from joy

When you're different from all your friends but they still vibe with you

Wholesome Memes: When you're different from all your friends but they still vibe with you

If you've done that before, you can do it again

If you've done that before, you can do it again

Learn more about the status of John Krasinski's Some Good News project

Parents support their children no matter what

Parents support their children no matter what

It was nice remembering you

Having a conversation with my grandma with Alzheimer's. Me: it was nice seeing you / Grandma: it was nice remembering you / Me: you remember me? / Grandma: i don't remember your name, but i remember that i love you

Tall person at a concert

For the very first time in my life a tall person stood in front of me at a concert, looked back, asked 'can you still see' and then answered themselves with 'of course you can't i'm like 6 feet tall' and then moved. i wish so many blessings on their house.

Wolves become dogs

Wolf: Maybe I'll get some food at that campfire... what's the worse that could happen? / Dogs dressed in cute outfits: 10,000 years later

Read more good news stories about dogs

I hope the rest your week feels like this!!!

Wholesome Meme: I hope the rest your week feels like this!!!

"Thank you for sharing. This is beautiful solidarity"

Wholesome Meme: Fun fact my cat and I are both blind so we accidentally run into ach other sometimes but because i'm much louder than he is, when we get close to each other he chirps to warn me he's thereu

This is a safe space

This is a safe space sign

This isn't my [garbage]. But this is my planet.

Wholesome Meme: This isn't my [garbage]. But this is my planet.

Read more good news about the environment

A Tibetan monk blesses the deer that gather around him

A Tibetan monk blesses the deer that gather around him

Be the light

Wholesome Meme: Be the light

Read more quotes about light

Just three breathtaking people looking at each other

Wholesome Meme: Just three breathtaking people looking at each other [Image shows Bob Ross and Keanu Reeves]

OP loves their girlfriend

Wholesome Meme: Using my alt because she follows my main account My girlfriend of 5 years has been deaf since she was 6. She reads lips pretty well, but prefers Sign Language. I didn't know a single sign when I met her, but I could tell right away there was something between us so I started learning after I got home from our first date. Fast forward a few years, I'm now fluent in ASL and we use it to talk almost exclusively. When she's not looking though, I talk to her even though she can't hear me or see my lips to read. I tell her how much I love her, how I'm going to marry her someday, how beautiful she is, etc. I've even been practicing proposing, so it's not so terrifying when I actually do it. She has no idea and I plan to keep it that way.

Best new artist — at 95

Artist wins best new artist at 95

Thank you for bringing back my wheelbarrow

Wholesome Memes: Bring back my wheelbarrow / Thank you for bringing back my wheelbarrow

When ur hella excited about making a new friend

Wholesome Meme: When ur hella excited about making a new friend

Why has no one ever shown me the 2nd part of this meme

Wholesome Memes: When ur hella excited about making a new friend

My brain when I read the word hippocampus

Wholesome Meme: My brain when I read the word hippocampus [Hippos on a college campus]

When you accidentally overdress for a party...

When you accidentally overdress for a party, but you're just happy to be there with friends

My dog is 16, so I figured it's time for some driving lessons

Wholesome Memes: My dog is 16, so I figured it's time for some driving lessons

I always tell people that my cat doesn't really like people...

I always tell people that my cat doesn't really like people that much even though she is really cuddly so they could feel special when she cuddles them / You are the best person

I wonder what my dog named me

Wholesome Memes:  wonder what my dog named me

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